
Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Opposition Strategies

lagi nemenin Lyanda latihan debate nih...
ini ya amel share materinya.. :D

Strategi menjadi partai oposisi di debat sistem australia

1. Follow the government's case
2. Note everything (just like a judge)
3. Questions
    -Is it really the problem?
    -Will their solutions work?
    -Is it the only solution?
    -Is it going to produce harm?
    -Does it have a practical benefit?
4. What are you gonna say then?
    -why do we need to solve the problem?
    -is the problem able to solve?
    -will it bring new problems?
5. Prove that the proposal brought by the government is FALSE
6. Harm Versus Benefit
    is it a sole prinsiple or is there any other important principle?
