
Sabtu, 24 November 2012

belajar AMERICAN IDIOMS yuk?! ^^

american idioms itu semacam istilah gaul-nya orang2 Amerika untuk mengistilahkan suatu keadaan. pokonya kalau diartikan pake kamus, gak bakal nyambung deh..! :D
ini ada beberapa dari beberapa yang diajarkan Mister bryan^^
let me start...

"piece of cake" --> "easy" (thats my favorite idiom. xixixixi:D)
example: "how about your test?" *peace of cake. ^_<

"play it by ear." --> no plane. "just see what happened"
example: "what will you do with that guitar?" *"i don't know. just play it by ear."

"In hot water" --> in trouble

"chicken." --> (thats not ayam.:D) scary.
example: "are you chicken??" apa kamu takut?